What We Offer In Taxi Management System

Expanding your booking channels results in increased business opportunities.

Online booking

Increase revenue by being found!

→ Attract corporate customers

→ Acquire new contracts

→ Increase your online presence

Dispatchers should enjoy a seamless booking experience.

Dispatch System 

Save time, reduce costs and take control of your business with your own taxi dispatch software.

→ No on-site installation needed

→ Real-time vehicle tracking

→ Caller ID and VoIP integration

→ Cloud based system 

→ No Down Time with Multiple Servers 

Driver, Customer, User Reports

A Simple & Fast Taxi Booking Experience with Everything drivers need

Passenger / Driver Apps 

Stay competitive, automate bookings and best app for driver useage.

  • User-friendly and intuitive
  • No hardware lock-in
  • Step-by-step navigation